Create a paid job
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Access Your Organization Profile:
Click on your profile's avatar located on the top right corner of the screen.
Select your organization's name to switch from your personal profile to your organization's profile.
Initiate Job Creation:
On the extreme left side of your screen, toggle your mouse pointer and locate the "Jobs" button.
Click on "Create Job" on the top right side of your screen.
Specify Job Details:
Select at least one social cause that aligns with the job you are creating.
Create job title for the position.
Select Job Category.
Write the job description.
Select the location for the position. Two options are available, Anywhere (meaning fully remote) and Country/City (meaning it can be remote, hybrid, on site or you have a preference for talents in a specific location)
Select remote preference: Onsite, Remote or Hybrid
Select Job type: Full-time, part-time or one-off
Select Job Length
Select payment type: Paid or Volunteer
Select payment terms:
Select the experience level required for the job.
Identify and select relevant skills required for the job, selecting at least one and up to 5 options.
Enhance Application Process (Optional):
Add up to 5 screener questions to narrow down potential applicants and assess their suitability for the role.
Publish Job: Click on Publish on the bottom right of the screen to post the job.
A popup screen will appear saying “Job published” Click on the close button to view your job on your job listings.
Job Visibility:
Your successfully posted job will become visible to Socious users, allowing them to view the details and apply if interested. On the right side of each of your jobs an active status in green will display to signal that the job is active.