How to convert ADA on Cardano to mADA/Wrapped ADA on Milkomeda
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If you want to convert ADA to MilkADA, follow these steps:
⚠️ Check: There must be ADA in your account to proceed further. To check that you have ADA, visit your wallet on Flint by clicking on “Flint” under the Chrome extension. If you would like to purchase ADA, you may do so through this process here:
Now we are ready to return to Flint Wallet and send our ADA to be converted to MilkADA.
Open the Flint Wallet window by clicking on the puzzle piece and selecting “Flint”.
Click "Send". At the next screen, enable the "Milkomeda mode" toggle, paste the Milkomeda C1 (e.g. metamask address) wallet address currently in the clipboard into the "Milkomeda Ethereum Address" field, and enter the amount to send (1 ADA in this example). Then click "Continue".
Go to this website:
To convert ADA on Cardano to mADA on Milkomeda, first connect Flint Wallet. Then, select the desired amount for conversion.
Please note that it may take 20-30 mins to bridge between Milkomeda and Cardano.
Connect your Metamask wallet
Choose ADA for “From”
Choose Wrapped ADA (WADA) for “To”
Choose an amount you want to convert.
Click on swap, confirm your transaction on Metamask
On Metamask, click on “Import Token” and paste this token address to display WADA:
To convert Wrapped ADA to milkADA, you just need to the opposite of the steps above. On, you can choose Wrapped ADA (WADA) for “From” and choose ADA for “To”.
Go to this website:
Choose “Milkomeda C1 → Cardano”
Connect your EVM wallet (e.g., Metamask or via WalletConnect).
Select the amount you want to convert and enter the Cardano wallet address you want to send it to.
Please note that it may take 20-30 mins to bridge between Milkomeda and Cardano.