💡 Overview

Welcome to the Socious Mastery Guide! This guide is designed to help you become an expert in using Socious, a talent markeptlace that makes impact work accessible and transparent. Whether you're new to Socious or have been using it for years, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to take your skills to the next level. From posting a job to getting paid, we'll cover all aspects of using Socious effectively. Let's get started!

Payment Method - Fiat Currencies (e.g., USD) / Cryptocurrencies:

If your payment method involves fiat currencies like USD, you'll want to navigate to the "Fixed-Fiat" section. If your payment method involves cryptocurrencies, you'll want to navigate to the "Fixed-Crypto" section.

User Role - Organizations / Talent:

Socious caters to both hiring organizations and talented individuals. Depending on your role, you will follow specific steps tailored to your user type. If you represent an organization, follow the organization's steps. If you are a talented individual seeking opportunities, adhere to the talent-specific steps. This distinction ensures that you receive guidance relevant to your Socious user role.


Covering everything from job postings to payment processes, this guide caters to organizations and individual talents. Depending on your role, whether representing an organization or seeking opportunities as a talented individual, specific steps are provided to ensure relevance and effectiveness. To navigate through this guide seamlessly, users can follow the sections designated for their specific user role, either representing an organization or seeking opportunities as a talent, and their payment method, whether fiat currencies or cryptocurrencies.

Last updated